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Rabbi Meir Lessoff

Rabbi & director

Rabbi Meir Lessoff was born and raised in Kfar Chabad Israel, a small village right near the Ben Gurion Airport. He moved to Virginia Beach Virginia, with his wife Adina and their 2 tweens on March 2021 to establish The Jewish Community at Virginia Beach and serve the Jewish Community in VB. Rabbi Meir brings the lessons of the Torah to life in a meaningful and relevant way in his weekly classes and lectures.

Rabbi Meir serves as Executive Director and Spiritual Leader of Chabad Virginia Beach.



Adina Lessoff


Mrs. Adina Lessoff (Sobko) was born in Israel and grew up in Ottawa, Canada while her mother was a spiritual leader to Jewish Russian community in Ottawa while serving as a doctor and a psychologist, She moved to Orlando Florida with her husband Rabbi Meir in 2018 helping up the community over there before starting the community here in Virginia Beach.

Aside from using her many years of experience to teach adults and children, Mrs. Adina  is a great chef and Baker, and she was at many times to help and care for those in need around us in Virginia Beach

Mrs. Adina Lessoff is the Director and founder of Chabad Virginia Beach.


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Virginia Beach, Virginia


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created with love by Moti

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