Kosher food in Virginia Beach:
There are no Kosher restaurants in the area
(Not even driving distance)
Kosher Catering
this places may be able to deliver food at the beach front area, contact them for more information.
757-561-7512 Meredith
757-685-9878 Cater 613
- Be alert -
We do not take any responsibility of the level of Kosher this catering offers, you may check with them directly.
However the Rabbi who gives the Kashrus is a reliable Orthodox Rabbi
Rabbi Shalom Mstavsky; B'nai Israel - norfolk.
Home Koshering:
For home Koshering in Virginia beach area; click here.
Kosher groceries:
Grocery stores that either have a kosher section
or carry many kosher items:
Food Lion (only this location)
(757) 721-3213
1615 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23454
(757) 271-0500
4721 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Trader Joe's
(You can ask for a list of their kosher items)
(757) 422-4840
503 Hilltop Plaza, Virginia Beach, VA 23454